Wednesday, February 1, 2017

April 2003 Format Deck: LP Gain (Fire Princess)

This could have never been a competitive deck, yet it is a ton of fun!

April 2003 LP Gain

2 Summoned Skull
3 Cure Mermaid
3 Dancing Fairy
3 Darklord Marie
3 Fire Princess
3 Maha Vallo
3 Masked Sorcerer
3 White Magical Hat

3 Axe of Despair
1 Delinquent Duo
2 Goblin's Secret Remedy
2 Graceful Charity
2 Harpie's Feather Duster
2 Horn of the Unicorn
1 Pot of Greed
1 Raigeki
1 Snatch Steal

1 Magic Cylinder
1 Mirror Force

A YouTube playlist of game videos with this deck can be found here: